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Balm Cream Sabelnik with Glucosamine
Due to its high active substances content, the balm cream not only helps relieve pain and joint inflammation but also effectively fights many ailments such as osteoarthrosis, spine osteochondrosis, rheumatism, inflammation around joints and even connective tissue disease, arthritis and bone loss.
Comarum Palustre regenerates all weakened body cells. Active incense tree (boswellia) components inhibit inflammatory reactions in connective tissue, joints, reduce edemas, stimulate blood circulation, strengthen and restore blood vessels in joint tissues.
- helps relieve pain and inflammation in cartilage tissue;
- aids cartilage tissue regeneration;
- improves the formation of joint fluid;
- reduces muscular fatigue.
Product: tube 75 ml.
Storage: Store at temperatures from +5 to +25 ° C.
Shelf life: 24 months.
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