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Informacje o producencieInformacje dotyczące produktu obejmują adres i powiązane dane producenta produktu.Ecobars
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UE
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UEPodmiot gospodarczy z siedzibą w UE zapewniający zgodność produktu z wymaganymi przepisami.
Fat badger, capsules 0,3g,
Structure: 100% natural melted badger fat, environmentally friendly. A capsule cover - edible gelatin
Release form: soft gelatinous capsules on 0,3 g of-60 pieces or 100 pieces in the container and a cardboard box with the instruction.
Scope: it is recommended as dietary supplement to food — an additional source of polynonsaturated fatty acids (PNZhK) an omega-3, an omega-6, vitamins A, B2,B6,B12,PP,E and.
To accept: inside before food - to adults and children since 14 years on 3 capsules - 2-3 times a day in 30 min. prior to food. Duration of reception is 1 month. If necessary it is possible to repeat reception 3-4 times a year. Before application it is recommended to consult with the doctor.
Impact on an organism
Supports and strengthens immunity. Has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. Softens cough and promotes phlegm withdrawal. Improves digestion, helps at ulcers and gastritises. Increases the level of hemoglobin and helps at anemia.
Inflammations and infectious diseases of airways (bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis etc.). Bronchial asthma. Organism exhaustion. Digestive tract diseases (stomach ulcer and duodenum, intestines atoniya etc.). Anemia. Atherosclerosis.
Contraindications: individual intolerance.
Storage conditions: to store in the dry place at a temperature no more than +25 With and relative humidity of air is not higher than 75 has some.
Is not medicine.
Quantitative parameters of a sample of a dietary additive of badger fat:
Viscous liquid of light yellow or light brown color (color depends on topleniye temperature), with easy opalescence. Taste and a smell without the discrediting signs.
- Mass fraction of moisture and volatiles, %, no more than 0,05
- Content of substances: Insoluble on air - is absent; content of not saponified substances - 0,45%,
- Power value: kcal - 950 kcal in 100 g of a product.
- Content of fats in 100 g of a product: - 99,97 g of the Squirrel-0,015g Carbohydrates - 0,005 g
- Content of vitamins: Vitamin A - 21 mg on 100 g of a product; vitamin D - 20 mg on 100 g of a product
- Acid number: MG/GAME/g - no more than 1,5.
- Hardening temperature, 0C + 3,5
- Melting temperature, 0C +22
- Carbonyl connection, µmol/g - 1,80
- Content of fatty acids, %: Nonsaturated - 86,00 Sated - 14,00
- Perekisny number 1/2 About mmol/g - no more than 10,0.
Label with the Ekobars trademark, imprinted kongrevy, a stroke codes for each packaging.
Storage: in the dry place at a temperature no more than +25 With, 24 months from the date of production. Let's allow a deposit since fat melted, but is not refined.
Conclusion: The dietary additive "Badger fat" conforms to requirements of TU.U 15.8-2261617876-001-2004.