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Bishofit Mouth & Throat Spray Antiqua Mare MAX
An adjuvant in the complex treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa, especially fungal stomatitis.
The proven effective effect on the microflora of the oral cavity has a wide range of antimicrobial properties:
- stomatitis,
- candidiasis,
- cheilitis
- glossitis,
- gingivitis,
- mechanical injury to the oral mucosa
- ulcer
- mucosal ulcer
- acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis),
- pharyngitis.
How to use:
spray a solution, directing a nozzle of a spray to problem areas. Repeat 3-5 times a day. Not addictive. If symptoms persist or worsen, consult your doctor. Shake the bottle well before each use.
water, Poltava bischofite, propolis, decoctions of stevia leaves, licorice root, oak measles, mint eucalyptus flavor, menthol.
CONTRAINDICATION: individual sensitivity to components.
Volume: 50 ml
Expiration date: 3 years
Manufacturer: TM Bishofit Poltava
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