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Osoba odpowiedzialna w UE
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UEPodmiot gospodarczy z siedzibą w UE zapewniający zgodność produktu z wymaganymi przepisami.
Moisturizing Algae Face Mask Olive Oil, Nacomi
Moisturizing algae face mask olive is designed for the care of dry and wrinkle-prone skin. Healthy, properly moisturized skin helps to stay healthy and beautiful for longer. Olive leaf extract containing a strong effect of strengthening the immune system. It activates the skin's defense against microbes and toxins and seals blood vessels.
Active ingredients:
- Olive leaf extract, applied to the skin, stimulates it to defend itself against harmful microorganisms; prevents excessive water loss through the skin surface,
- Oleuropein is an antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral ingredient, therefore olive leaf extract is recommended for the care of problematic skin prone to allergic changes,
- Algae, from the very first use, surprisingly regenerate tired skin, eliminate discoloration and scars,
- Natural sea plants are known for their deeply moisturizing, cleansing and regenerating properties,
- They contain proteins, vitamins A, B and E, and a lot of minerals: calcium, zinc, potassium and phosphorus,
- Ynk has a strong effect on strengthening the structure of the skin and soothes all inflammatory processes, making it perfect for everyone who struggles with acne and blemishes,
- Provitamin A is a component of dermatological drugs because it activates the formation of new cells in the skin and reduces scarring. Long-term use of algae-based preparations eliminates minor imperfections and visibly rejuvenates the skin,
- Olive oil has a very high concentration of vitamin F, which seals the skin structure. The natural ingredient has a strong moisturizing and protective effect, leaves a protective film (coating) on the surface of the skin, making it more resistant to external factors.
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