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Osoba odpowiedzialna w UE
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UEPodmiot gospodarczy z siedzibą w UE zapewniający zgodność produktu z wymaganymi przepisami.
Natural Vitamin K2 MK7 100mcg + D3 2000IU -Forte
Vitamin K2 is a vitamin rare in our diet, mainly due to its low popularity. Vitamin K2 MK-7 is formed under the influence of bacteria and lingers long in the blood will be so you do not have to take it often. Vitamin K2 is present in the fermented food products, inter alia, natto, a traditional Japanese dish prepared with fermented soybeans.
Vitamin K2 can enhance bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
Vitamin K2 activates two proteins called "protein matrix GLA" and osteocalcin which actively bind calcium and contribute to building and maintaining bone health. Vitamin K2 can improve dental health.Scientists suspect that vitamin K2 may have a big impact on the health of the teeth. Insufficient levels of vitamin K2 leading to decreased bone mineral density, a major risk factor for osteoporosis and an excess of calcium in the arterial wall, which increases the risk of heart disease.
Ingredients: Vitamin K2 (menaquinone-7 from soy) 100 mcg vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol from lanolin) - 2000 IU .Other ingredients: bulking cellulose and sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, a binder sorbitol, anti-caking agents: magnesium salts of fatty acids and silica.
Usage: 1 tablet daily during a meal containing fat. Drink plenty of water.
Vitamin K2 (menaquinone-7 from soy) mcg 100 - 100 mcg (133% RDA)
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol from lanolin) - 50 mcg (1000% RDA)
60 tablets