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Osoba odpowiedzialna w UE
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UEPodmiot gospodarczy z siedzibą w UE zapewniający zgodność produktu z wymaganymi przepisami.
Composition: aqueous alcohol extract of Yellow sweet clover, Violet herb, Horse chestnut, Mountain arnica, Marigold flowers, Horse chestnut flowers, Common lime flowers, Licorice rhizome and roots.
It has been shown clinically that phytoconcentrate Proven is highly efficacious for correcting various forms of varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Proven has been found to increase venous tone, intensify venous and lymphatic drainage, and relieve inflammation of venous walls.
Disorders of venous vessels in the brain result in sense of pressure in the head especially in the morning, prolonged headaches often accompanied by nausea or bruises under eyes. Proven heightens the elasticity of veins and rheological properties of venous blood. As a result the sense of pressure in the head, lower extremities, and intestine disappears. Proven shows explicit venoconstrictor activity that is effective in varicose veins including those of intestine and gullet. Due to its vein tropic, antiphlogistic and anticoagulating effects this phytoconcentrate is highly effective in patients with phlebitis, trombophlebitis, and varicose ulcers.
Venoconstrictor effect of Proven accelerates blood flow in veins, decreases age-related and occupational edemas and congestions, and improves lymphatic circulation.
In addition to the above mentioned properties Proven has been shown to be indispensable to those who fail exercise regularly and lead non-active style of life.
It is particularly recommended for those who have varicose veins, sense of hardness in lower extremities, venous insufficiency, superficial thrombophlebitis, deep venous thrombosis, lymphostasis, hemorrhoids, hypostasis and congestion phenomena, impairments of venous discharge in the vessels of the brain as well as for prophylaxis of the above mentioned diseases.
Take 30-70 drops per 50-100 ml of water once-twice a day.
Extensive testing in clinics has not revealed any side effects caused by Proven (see for general instructions and precautions on the package).
TУ У 15.8-23732912-016:2006