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Osoba odpowiedzialna w UE
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UEPodmiot gospodarczy z siedzibą w UE zapewniający zgodność produktu z wymaganymi przepisami.
"VIN-VITA" ® ("Grape, giving life")
Vitis vinifera L. of the Cabernet type.
It contains no alcohol, sugar, colourings or preservatives.
VIN-VITA® - was developed based on the latest technologies and experience of former Soviet and now Ukrainian scientists. It was designed to delay ageing processes and prolong the lives of Moscow and Kremlin dignitaries.
The creation of this specificity fulfilled the task - "VIN-VITA" ® was introduced into the revitalisation programmes of the Soviet elite.
"VIN-VITA" ® is an excellent remedy for preventive, health nutrition and comprehensive treatment of various diseases. The quality and safety of the production are guaranteed by almost 20 years of clinical research, as well as more than 20 awards and recognitions from state and public organisations.
The main components of the concentrate are oligomeric bioflavonoids, pectin, organic acids (tartaric, citric, malic, succinic), minerals in biologically active form, monomeric bioflavonoids, anthocyanins, as well as 20-25% tannins, 5-8% catechins, 4-6% other bioflavonoids. Also, vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, RME (potassium1000-2000, sodium - 100-200, calcium 100-200, magnesium - 50-100 mg%, iron).
Powerful capillary-capillary strengthener (P-vitamin action) and antioxidant; potentiates the action of vitamin C and also has protective properties - membranoprotector (protects cell membranes), cardio and angioprotector, stressoprotector, radioprotector (protects cells from harmful ionising radiation), neuroprotector, hepatoprotector (protects liver cells).
- Increases haemoglobin concentration, reduces ESR and platelet aggregation, improves blood parameters.
- Immunomodulator. It exhibits a wide range of antibacterial and antiviral activities, including against influenza viruses.
- Improves sleep and neuro-psychological processes, including concentration, mood and cognitive function. Reduces psycho-emotional hyperactivity. Effectively tones up.
- Improves visual function and ocular haemodynamics in retinal and optic nerve pathology.
- It slows down the ageing process and the development of atherosclerosis.
- Reduces the symptoms of hangover, alcohol withdrawal syndrome and the negative effects of alcohol consumption.
- to reduce chronic fatigue syndrome, with mental and physical overload, stress,
- to increase the body's resilience and adaptive capacity, for example with a sudden change in climatic and geographical conditions,
- to increase haemoglobin concentration.
- victims of the Chernobyl disaster, as well as those who work and live in ecologically unfavourable conditions.
- students to improve attention and cognitive skills.
"VIN-VITA" ® is recommended for complex treatment (including sanatorium and spa treatment):
- Anaemia and other blood parameter disorders;
- Atherosclerosis, hypoxia, incipient hypertension, coronary artery disease and other vascular and cardiovascular diseases;
- Type 2 diabetes;
- Immunodeficiency states;
- Iodine deficiency;
- Dietary obesity;
- Neuroses and neurotic conditions, headaches;
- Chemo- and radiotherapy for cancer;
- Inflammation, trauma, and in the pre- and post-operative period;
- Liver diseases (hepatitis, pregnancy poisoning, cirrhosis);
- Viral and bacterial infections (dysentery, typhoid, herpes, Coxsackie, poliomyelitis, intestinal and staphylococcal infections);
- Various sexual dysfunctions, during premenopause and menopause;
- Gastric and duodenal ulcers;
- Colds (flu, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis and tp).
For maximum health effect, regular (daily) consumption of 1 teaspoonful per half glass of tea or water 2 - 3 times daily for at least 12-14 days is recommended. Children aged 2 to 5 years single dose - 1 teaspoon 2 times a day.
For health improvement and preventive purposes, recommended to consume in treatments 3-4 times a year for 1-2 months. Recommended treatment in one month - 2 packs.
The original "VIN-VITA" ® has a distinctive sweet-tart taste and contains no sugar - add honey to taste.
"VIN-VITA" ® can be profitably taken over a long period of time, as a lasting health effect occurs after time.
Details of the use of "VIN-VITA" ® for certain diseases.
For influenza and other viral diseases, it is recommended to take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
For gastritis with hyperacidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers, "VIN-VITA"® ® should be taken during or after a meal and can be taken with alkaline mineral water.
In advanced tuberculosis, the use of "VIN-VITA" ® should be discussed with the attending physician.
"VIN-VITA" ® neutralises the effect of certain pharmacological agents (e.g. antibiotics), so therefore you should not drink "VIN-VITA" ®.
Acknowledgements and distinctions
Research and clinical application of "VIN-VITA" ® were conducted at the Scientific Institute of Hygiene and Toxicology of Ukraine, the Institute of Microbiology and Virology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Odessa State Medical University, Saratov State Medical University (Russia), the Ukrainian Scientific Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneotherapy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Institute of Oncology and Radiology of the Ministry of Ukraine, Odessa Hospital of the Centre for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, Institute of Medical Rehabilitation of Children with Cerebral Palsy, Odessa Regional Clinical Hospital, Odessa Gerontology Centre, Kyiv Scientific-Methodical Centre for Ultrasound Medical Diagnosis "Pravda", Odessa Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy. Filatov, Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Balneotherapy and Children's Physical Therapy.
"A man's age - it's the state of his capillaries".
It is believed that the circulatory system is a combination of arteries and veins in which the heart pumps blood. This view is generally correct, but at the same time it is deeply flawed. Figuratively speaking, arteries and veins - are just 'pipes' of different diameters through which blood flows. With regard to the capillaries, which connect them into one circulatory system, this is the very place where the most important processes take place.
Capillaries - the tiny blood vessels that permeate all our tissues and organs, connecting all arteries and veins into a single circulatory system.
The length of capillaries in the human body is approximately 100,000 kilometres. Capillaries supply every cell in the body with oxygen and nutrients and remove metabolic products.
Abnormalities in the capillary network - the main cause of almost every disease process. They are the basis of heart disease, metabolic disorders leading to congestive processes, coronary heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, etc.
The heart pumps the blood, the arteries and veins pass it in the right direction, but the capillaries ensure the normal functioning of the cells, including the heart muscle.
The capillaries supply the cells with oxygen and nutrients, and remove the products of metabolism. It is at the interface between cells and capillaries that metabolism takes place.
It has been established that the pigments of dark grapes, blackcurrant, etc. fruits, called anthocyanins (from the Greek 'Antos' - flower, 'cyan' - pomegranate), in addition to having a strong capillary strengthening effect, slow down (inhibit) the formation of endothelin-1, preventing capillary constriction and increased blood pressure. Their lack in the diet - one of the main causes of hypertension.
With age, disorders of the vascular system accumulate and even small overloads cause cellular hypoxia. Thus, healthy capillaries, a key indicator of our health.
The bioflavonoids contained in "VIN-VITA" ® strengthen capillary walls and normalise capillary blood flow, increasing arterial blood oxygen saturation levels and tissue oxygenation. Consumption of "VIN-VITA" ® reduces capillary permeability, which hinders the spread of toxins and reduces their concentration in vital organs, and protects capillaries from the damaging effects of reactive oxygen species.
The capabilities of the human organism are immense. A human being can go days without eating, about a week without water, but without oxygen he cannot live even a few hours. Oxygen - the breath of life. However, oxygen, while taking part in life processes, can easily become toxic, producing reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radicals that interfere with cell function, causing many diseases.
Today, more than 60 of the most common diseases are directly related to the damaging effects of reactive oxygen varieties, including radiation sickness, cancer, atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischaemic heart and brain disease, diabetes, arthritis, rapid ageing and t. etc. For example, when the connective tissue protein (collagen) is damaged, the skin quickly loses elasticity, firmness, becomes saggy and wrinkled.
Paradoxical situation - oxygen, which is needed to sustain life, becomes toxic to the body. However, nature has created specific protection mechanisms in living organisms -.The resources of the antioxidant system are significant, but not unlimited. In unfavourable environmental conditions, under the influence of radiation, permanent stress and other factors, the efficiency of the antioxidant system gradually decreases and protection becomes insufficient. Sooner or later, the resources of this system are depleted and the harmful effects of ROS avalanche-like increase.
The components of the concentrate "VIN-VITA" ® act as a shield to defend cell membranes against the damaging effects of free radicals, prolonging and strengthening the body's antioxidant system.
The bioflavonoids and iron contained in "VIN-VITA" ® have a beneficial effect on haematopoietic processes in the body. Studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of "VIN-VITA" ® in women in the second trimester of pregnancy with mild anaemia confirmed an increase in haemoglobin by an average of 10 g / L and red blood cells (oxygen carriers) from 46 to 86%. The use of "VIN-VITA" ® in children with anaemia within 30 days makes it possible to increase haemoglobin levels by 1.5 times.
Atherosclerotic plaques, which build up in the vessels of the circulatory system with age, are often the main reason for the development of cardiovascular disease, creating the conditions for atherosclerosis, hypertension and coronary heart disease. It has been experimentally proven that the anthocyanins contained in "VIN-VITA" ® are significantly more effective in reducing blood cholesterol levels than vitamin E. In addition, when taking "VIN-VITA" ®, 80% of patients noticed an improvement in capillary blood flow, restoration of haemoglobin synthesis, and with long-term use of "VIN-VITA" ® (three or more months) blood pressure stabilisation. "VIN-VITA" ® A ALCOHOL Acetaldehyde, formed during the metabolism of alcohol in the body, is a poison for humans. It is the one found in the blood after alcohol consumption that is the main cause of hangover symptoms (headache, thirst, etc.). It has been experimentally proven that hangovers do not occur or are greatly reduced when "VIN-VITA" ® into the composition of alcoholic beverages or the consumption of tea, mineral water with "VIN-VITA" ® after drinking alcohol. This effect is largely determined by the action of the anthocyanins contained in "VIN-VITA" ® , which form a stable complex with acetaldehyde, activate the work of the kidneys and quickly cleanse the body from this poison.
Contraindications: not identified. Possible individual intolerance to grape processing products.
Harmless with prolonged use.
"VIN-VITA" ® does not contain alcohol or preservatives, so once opened, the bottle is best stored in the refrigerator.
May contain natural sediment!
Energy value - 6 kcal / litre.
Volume: 490 ml