EAN: 4820019210506
Shipping cost: no. EUR
Manufacturer: Ekomed


Composition: aqueous alcohol extract of Marsh tea, Birch leaves, Common Beetroot, Yellow sweet clover, Lingonberry leaves, Cornflower, Horse chestnut flowers, Wild strawberry leaves, Linden Flowers, Common Lime, Licorice roots and rootstock, Marigold flowers, Maize cores with stigmas, Equisetum or horsetail herb, Violet herb, Sage leaves, Cottonweed herb.

 Many chronic diseases are due to impaired blood flow in the body. This gives rise to complications ranging from problems with the eyes, kidneys, heart and brain.

It has been substantiated clinically that phytoconcentrate Crystal normalizes blood circulation and improves the blood supply in the body. This effect is achieved due to enhanced penetration and elasticity of blood vessels, restoration of their lumen (channel within a tube such as a blood vessel), improved metabolism of cells of vascular walls, especially endothelial and nonstriated muscle cells. It assists in penetration of capillaries and peripheral resistance of vessels, restores elasticity and tone. Crystal influences positively the rheological properties of blood and brings on noticeable anticoagulant action which facilitates microcirculation.

Moreover, Crystal affects positively water-salt metabolism and assists in dissolution of deposits in the vessels.

It is recommended in hypertension, atherosclerosis, obliterans endarteritis, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, ischemic heart disease, and for prophylaxis of the above listed disease. It may be used for complex treatment of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, and osteoporosis.

Take 30-70 drops per 50-100 ml of water depending on the stage of the disease, once-twice a day.

Extensive experience in clinics has not revealed any side effects caused by Crystal (see for instructions and precautions on the package).

TУ У 15.8-23732912-016:2006

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