Privacy Policy

1. General provisions

1.1 This privacy policy defines the rules of confidential information protection concerning the Users, including personal data, by the administrator of this data, i.e. the entity running the Shop, hereinafter referred to as the Seller.

1.2 For the purposes of interpretation of this documents, the definitions are contained in the Rules and Regulations of the Shop

1.3 The Seller running an on-line shop uses its best efforts to protect the righs of Users, in particular, in the area of privacy protection and the protection of information provided to the Seller and concerning Users. This information (including personal data of Users) are duly protected and on-line forms for sending this information are protected by the SSL protocol, owing to which the information transfer process is encoded. When processing personal details of Users, the Seller strives to ensure protection against unauthorized access against being taken by an unauthorized person, illegal processing and their change, loss or damage.

1.4 Due to the voluntary character of providing personal data by a User, the User may request the Seller to remove their personal data from the Seller's database

2. Personal details

2.1 While using the Shop, a User may be asked to provide their personal data, in particular:

  1. during registration at the Shop (contact and shipment details)
  2. when they express a wish to receive the Seller's newsletter (e-mail address)
  3. while placing an order (contact and shipment details)

2.2 Personal data of Users are used only for purposes specified in the Rules and Regulations of the Shop, i.e. for the needs of providing services by the Seller, as well as for marketing purposes in connection with the operation of the Seller's company, including the Shop, as well as in connection with services and goods presented at the Shop.

2.3 Personal data of the Buyer required for delivery completion are revealed to entities performing deliveries (courier companies, postal operators, etc.) for the purposes of goods/service delivery to the Buyer.

3. Mailing

3.1 Users have the possibility of receiving commercial information from the Seller in the form of mailing. These can be, e.g. informations about promotions or new products at the Shop.

3.2 To receive mailing, it is necessary to agree to have commercial information sent during the registration at the Shop. The user may, at any time, withdraw their consent to the reception of commercial information by clicking on the link contained in mailing messages.

3.3 The Seller uses its best efforts to send mailing messages not more often than it is necessary so that they do not overburden the User's e-mail account.

4. Newsletter

4.1 If the newsletter service is available at the shop, Users who are not Buyers (Users who are not registered at the Shop) can use this service by filling in a newsletter subscription form available at the Shop website and granting their consent to reception of commercial information.

4.2 It is possible to unsubscribe from the newsletter by filling in a newsletter subscription form at the Shop website or by clicking the link included in the message (newsletter) sent.

5. Cookies

5.1 The Seller uses cookie files for transactions at the Shop. The Seller assures that cookies files do not store any information making it possible to identify a specific person. The User can, at any time, disable cookie files at its Interet browser; however, this can make it difficult to use the Shop.